Ship 2.6.7: Little Things Add Up
Ship 2.6.7 is out with a variety of bug fixes and enhancements. The focus of this release has been to smooth off rough edges and to respond to customer feedback.
There are a couple of things I want to highlight in this release:
Dark Mode Diff View
In the previous release, we added the ability to do code syntax highlight theming using Xcode color themes. But, it only affected the code display. In particular, if you chose a dark theme, the rest of the UI was still light (Xcode has this problem too). I was inspired by the release of BBEdit 12 this week to make everything in our Pull Request diff view dark when using a dark code theme. There's still quite a bit of work needed to let the rest of the app be dark, but this looks cool so it seemed worth shipping what I have now for the diff view.

Improved Labels Filter
You can now filter issues and pull requests by both the labels they do have and the labels they don't have from the filter bar in the Ship Overview window. Previously, you needed to set up a Smart Query to do this.

Milestone Editing
While you've always been able to create new milestones in Ship, in order to edit their due dates or to close them, you needed to go to Now you don't have to.

Full Changelog
- Jump to notified comment when navigating in Notifications list.
- Update :emojis:.
- Improve accuracy of git fetch progress indicator.
- Cancel right away when pull request fetch is cancelled.
- Save window position for new and existing document windows.
- Add Everything/Up Next/Notifications to Quick Jump.
- Add Key Equivalents (^⌘1,2,3) for Everything/Up Next/Notifications.
- Don't auto-focus title field when opening existing issue in a new window.
- Fix crash when performing Open in Ship Service with multiline selected text that is not an issue.
- Add dark mode to Pull Request Diff Window.
- Improve error reporting for web content.
- Add ability to include and exclude at same time with filter bar labels menu.
- Add better diagnostics to Pull Request Review save error alert, along with a button to copy the full error.
- Fix background color on diff hunk context line in dark mode.
- Add Milestone editing.
- Fix text dragging in diff view when nothing is selection is empty.
- Fix text dragging from comment editor in diff view.
- Fix crash when GitHub notifications API returns issue notifications that have malformed URLs.